Smiths Medical a.s., Czech Republic, 2017
Built-in airlocks.
Meopta - optika s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2016
Construction work rooms for precise machining of components: design, realisation.
Olympus Medical Products Czech spol. s r.o., Czech Republic, 2015
Clean Area Extension: Extension of the existing clean areas for the production of medical devices. The delivery included the project implementation documentation. Clean area build-out: according to ISO 14 6400, sanitary installations, heavy-current electronics equipment, air conditioning, etc.
NTS Mechatronics Brno, s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2015
Clean area at the NTS Mechatronics Brno: design, realisation, validation.
FEI Czech Republic s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2014
New Operations Facility CTPark Brno: Structures and Final Surfaces in the Clean Areas, Water Management – DEMI Water, Air Conditioning in Clean Areas and Other Areas, Air Conditioning, Heating and Cooling in the Office Areas.
Smiths Medical Czech Republic, a.s., Czech Republic, 2013
CTPark Hranice - the medical tools plant. BLOCK ensured the delivery of the clean rooms (cleanness class ISO CLASS 8 according to the ČSN EN 14 644) placing in the frame of the construction: design works in the volume of the design for construction realisation, engineering and complementary activity, delivery and assembly.
HELLA Autotechnik Nova s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2013
LPP II – Varnishing device in HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA, Mohelnice: Subject of the order was realisation of varnishing line LPP II for varnishing the plastic lights at cars.
HELLA Autotechnik Nova s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2013
Exhausting the workplaces LPP in the hall B8 HELLA Autotechnik, Mohelnice: subject of the order was reconstruction and completion of the exhausting device for the workplace determined to process the plastic products LPP. Parts of the delivery were the project documentation in the level „Project for construction realisation“ and realisation.
HELLA Autotechnik Nova s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2012
Ventilation of the assembly hall B10 in the plant HAT Mohelnice.