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Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, 2006

Total reconstruction of object Hlavova. Laboratories.

Contipro a.s., Czech Republic, 2006

Completion of CONTIPRO a.s. Facilities – Stage II.

ON Semiconductor Czech Republic, s.r.o., 2006

Extention of epitaxy workplace in the V12 object. Delivery of cleanrooms according to ISO EN 14 644 (US FS 209E) for epitaxial films production in microelectronics, incl. HVAC, chill source, heat source, heavy current, measurement and control.

ARROW International CR, a.s., Czech Republic, 2006

Designer and supplier of a new branch plant building for medical devices production.

TEKRO, spol. s r.o., Czech Republic, 2005

Reconstruction of laboratories.

WALMARK, Czech Republic, 2005

Construction of a tablet production plant WALMARK. General designer and general contractor of the building.

Jelfa Jelenia Gora, Poland, 2004

Control and development laboratories.

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